[20:00] Mensaje de meebo: Crazy Diamond está conectado[20:00]
oko: me dejas pateada jajaj[20:00] Crazy Diamond: no te dejo pateada[20:00]
Crazy Diamond: se me desconectó[20:00]
Crazy Diamond: jajaja[20:00]
Crazy Diamond: en qué clase estás?[20:00]
Crazy Diamond: está aburrida o divertida?[20:00]
oko: flash[20:01] oko: la tortura del siglo [20:01]
Crazy Diamond: me duele todo el cuerpo chucha
[20:01] oko: no entiendo pero se hacde lo que se puede
[20:01] oko: BIII[20:01] Crazy Diamond: JAJAJAJAJAJA
[20:01] Crazy Diamond: ah, lo mismo me pasa con el francés
[20:01] Crazy Diamond: como q fui una genio en primer y segundo nivel
[20:01] Crazy Diamond: y ahora en tercero con tanta gramática es como q...WTF
[20:02] oko: maldito flash...yo podia con codigos y cosas dificiles...ahora es un WTF
[20:02] oko: controlar el tiempo no es una tarea facil...ojala fuera tan epico y fantastico como suena
Today, a guy came to school wearing a dress. He got in trouble for dress code. Not becuase he was wearing a dress, but becuase the dress didnt have sleeves. I love my school. MLIA.<--ya sabes ykza
Today, while on a plane, I saw a man thumb wrestling his kid. They were going at it pretty fiercely, but I could see the kid was losing. I started cheering him on, and the rest of the passengers joined in. The kid won. It made my day. MLIA
Today in Chem class, an etremely irritating girl was talking rudely about another person and didn't realize that the whole class went quite. The teacher then casually said "By the way class, don't talk to her, she is an example of what we call Bismuth Technetium Hydride". He then preceded to write on the board the chemical symbol for the compound. Bi Tc H. It made me smile. MLIA
Today, a college admission person came to my school to tell us about the college. Offhandedly, she mentioned that at their football games one person always dresses up as Waldo for everyone to find. I think I know what school I'm going to. MLIA. <---ahi estan todos los planes que necesitamos Monica
Today, my dad brougt home these things called "Funky Flames." You throw them into a fire and it turns colors. I quickly grabbed the green colored ones, threw them in, stood by the fire and yelled, "Diagon Alley!" I then proceeded to imagine I was Harry Potter on my way to Gringotts. MLIA
Today, I asked my 6 year old niece what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said a dinosaur, and proceeded to roar like one. I support her 100%. MLIA